Lauren and I had an adventure to Minneapolis on the Megabus. She was a great companion, and it was a fun trip. There was definitely more camaraderie on the way back. We sat down below (on a double-decker) at a table--kind of the kid section. One mom was traveling with four kids. The oldest appeared to be around 10 with the youngest in carrying sling. I don't plan on copying.
And my sister Becky, the trooper that she is, took her three kids on a eight-hour tour of the midwest from Minnesota to Chicago to visit us while her hubby and mine made a run for the border (Canada) to go fishing.
During that weekend, she stayed here with four infants while I took Annika, Lauren and cousin Raegan on the bus to the subway and around the Loop to Ed Debevic's for lunch. It was a good adventure and Raegan had never been on a train before.
Annika starts kindergarten in two weeks. We're hoping to get her into Peterson--it's the only school around here with half-day kindergarten. She's been invited over to preschool friends' houses three times this summer--a first for our family. Lauren is looking forward to having her own friends now since she can't go with Annika on those days.
Lauren will start preschool at North Park Covenant Church where Annika went. Man, they're growing up. Afternoons two days a week I'll only have Megan and Emily. How strange will that be?
Dan begins school in one week. Our playtime will be done. Next year, he has go become gainfully employed again which means a lot less play time during holidays and summer. We've enjoyed our three-year sabbatical.
One thing I am excited about is that I should have two stories running in the October issue of Training magazine. They were a lot of work, but interesting. I covered big banks. They're kind of a different breed from community banks--the bureaucracy to get interviews took a few weeks alone!
We re-listed the cafe (the contract had expired in July) and lowered the price to $74,900. Lord willing, it will be sold before we finish school. Please keep that in your prayers--a sale to someone who loves the Lord and cares about people.
Below are some of my favorite quotes from the girls, and I'll try and talk Dan into attaching some pics. The kids change quickly. Megan already is seven months old.
Cute Quotables:
Lauren, when asked who a certain picture was of: “It’s me—your cute little girl!”
Lauren, naked: “Mommy, I’m cold. Hurry and get my shoes and socks on.”
Liz: "Annika, do you think Aunt Sara will have a boy or a girl?"
Annika: "I think she’ll have a boy AND a girl—twins!"
Lauren: "I think she’ll have two boys and two girls."
Lauren looking at the purple flowers at the conservatory: “Those ones are grape.”
Annika's rationale on why Daddy always gets the Hamburglar glass at dinner: "Girls don't get scary glasses."
What Lauren had for breakfast at Grandma Barb's: Cocoa Creepies (krispies)
According to Lauren, who is the fat boy in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory who falls into the chocolate river? Gus Gus Goop (Augustus Gloop)
Today Dan Larson dropped by—our upstairs neighbor and friend from the UP. Annika had something to tell him, but was shy. So she whispered the bombshell in Lauren’s ear and told her to tell Larson: “Annika wants to marry you.”
Dan’s a good guy. He’ll be a great son-in-law despite being only seven years younger than us.
Lauren also invited Dan to his first tea party. Dutifully Dan participated. Lauren poured his sugar for him (from the creamer bowl), then the tea and stirred it for him. However, Dan did not crook his pinky while drinking.
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