Monday, November 1, 2010

October is History Month--for the Wheelers, Anyway

October seemed to be History Month for the Wheeler family. We had the chance to hit a lot of events with re-enactors and had a lot of fun doing it! Here are some pics with explanations...

Antique harvesting demo at Heritage Acres

Our tour at the Fairmont Fire Dept.

Old-time school bus with 1 HP

Lauren, Emily and Annika on stage at church singing "Davey, Davey"

Megan's pumpkin

Dan carved Annika's pumpkin (Snow White) and Lauren's (Night bird). Very nice!

Grinnin' fool, Megan

Chubby Cheeks!

The Wheeler version of the Disney princesses: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, and Belle.

Me, Annika and Lauren sporting our very fashionable hats at the James J. Hill mansion in St. Paul.

Part of the little train, pulled by tractor, at Heritage Acres in Fairmont, Minn.