Friday, December 17, 2010

December Update...

It's one in the stinking morning, but I'm feeling guilty for not updating. So here is my update in pictures...they say a pic is worth 1,000 words. You can do the math!

This is Lauren in her school Christmas program.

If you look reallly carefully, you can find Annika in this pic for her school Christmas program.

Emily as our little Irish dancer (the dress is 2T; Em will be 4 in January)

I was in Rochester by myself. Dan was speaking at a retreat and I got to hear him. I stayed somewhere else. During my free time, I took pics of random things I thought were cool.

Us taking pictures in an attempt to get one for the Christmas card. If you want one from us, let me know.

Three of the girls with my mom's mom, Dawn. Megan got sick just before this trip up to the Twin Cities so she stayed home with Dan. Also pictured are my mom's brother Steve and his wife Karen.

We have a Glows parade here in are a couple of the floats you would only see in an ag town!

Our "blended" Christmas with my dad, his wife Andrea and her daughter Alia and family.

Annika, Lauren, Emily and I went to a tea at a restored historic home in Fairmont. The preservation association does them every so often. Ironically, they only offered coffee and cider. The first pic Lauren took. Of course, we wore our hats.