Friday, May 25, 2012

End of the School Year = Packed Social Calendar

With the end of the school calendar comes many opportunities for cultural enrichment. Annika's choir had a really fun time this spring with their concert. The kids had improved dramatically from their Christmas concert. Annika got a new outfit, including shoes, out of the deal as she was supposed to wear all black. Yeah, good luck finding black in April!

Megan graduated from Preschool-3s with Mrs. Closs this year. She got satisfactory in all of her studies--which included letter identification and galloping.

Emily also had her end-of-year program and graduation ceremony. She chose to wear all black with her brown motorcycle boots. I'm not sure where they get their sense of fashion. She even got a diploma at the end to confirm her promotion to kindergartener.

Random Pics from the Last Few Months

I remember the many family portraits my mother took us to JCPenney or Sears for. The six Pike children lined up like bowling pins or the ever popular ladder formation. And we dreaded it. The photographer would take too long, one of the kids wouldn't be looking the right direction, and eventually we'd all be tired of the whole process. Well, I'm here to tell you that process is alive and well. We have featured here the Wheeler family portrait for the church directory. Look closely. You'll see why we didn't purchase any additional pictures. Sigh.
And here's an example of why Lauren doesn't always hear what her teacher is telling her. Lauren is very imaginative and definitely sees the world through her own rosy glasses. Someone mentioned she'd probably be great at improv. And I concur. She can think up stuff on the spot. This visual example is what Lauren did with poor Bigfoot. Please, fashion police, note the fashionably high heels, long blonde hair, and red bow. "She" also has a ring.
Just a cute pic of Meg participating intently in the songs for Sunday school.
Why our street is called Redwood...
A nice rainbow after some of the many downpours we've had this spring.
Some fun pics of the girls at nearby Lincoln Park

Emily doing ballet under the arbor thingy.

Lauren at the lower elementary's Field Daze. These pants will never be clean again.