Tuesday, February 19, 2013

There and Back Again...

Recently, our family started in southern Minnesota and migrated our way west to southern California for a conference for Dan and family vacation for the rest of us with my Aunt Lynda and Uncle Ken. Oh my word, it was a great trip! Despite having the six of us in a vehicle with about 150 cubic feet, we really did enjoy ourselves, and the kids did great with very few whiny moments or major altercations.

As part of the trip, Annika began making educational videos for her classmates. Soon, the other girls wanted to join in. So, here is the compilation of all videos to date (a few more still need to be edited) is our trip There and Back Again (which is borrowed from Annika's journal on our trip which, in turn, is an allusion to The Hobbit's Tale). [Some content will be redundant as some children cover the same event--in her own way, usually...]

The next three videos have the same ending footage with the princesses, but each daughter has her own twist on what stands out about Disneyland!)

I still have some Grand Canyon, Pike's Peak and Mount Rushmore video to edit and add to another post along with some picture highlights...