Thursday, December 3, 2009

Quick Update

Please forgive the brevity of this blog posting--and especially the lack of photos. We took some at Thanksgiving with my Aunt Rosalie and Uncle Brian, but since we're in the midst of moving and will leave shortly for an overnight visit to my Gramma Pat (that's her name to us kids--no, it's not misspelled...), it just seemed too overwhelming to upload pictures.

We have purchased our appliances (stove, fridge, washer, dryer) and are excited about that. We must be grownups...what kid gets excited about a new washer/dryer? We've also made some other purchases in anticipation of having our own space again. Whoo hoo!

On Monday, the bank did an appraisal of the house we intend to purchase. We'll hear back on Friday if the property qualifies for our loan. However, because the appraisal was a tad late, we may end up homeless for a few days if the closing can't take place on December 14. We're looking into moving in early and renting for a few days.

We're getting ready and saying our goodbyes--always the hardest part of moving. Part of living on seminary, however, is the fluidity of the residents. If we didn't leave now, many more of our friends would be leaving us come spring so it helps with the melancholy of it a little.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (we certainly have much to be thankful for!) and an early Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!