Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Theology of Children

On our way to church one Sunday, we were talking about how many of the Jewish people in Chicago don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah. We discussed it for awhile. As we passed Kraft headquarters, Annika says,"No one wants to be the Messiah. It's too hard work." And then a pause. And then "But not for Jesus." And that, my friends, sums it up.

Then Lauren and I went for a special trip to Starbucks. While there, Lauren sagely informed me, "If you only had one daughter, you'd be bored." I realized that was probably true. But she had more wisdom. "If you only had two daughters, that'd be great." (Keep in mind, that would be only Annika and Lauren.) "If you had three daughters, that would be perfect; if you had four daughters, you'd be beautiful." So there.

Emily dresses herself frequently...Some of her fashions...

The girls wearing Dan's shirts...For some reason that's fun.

Just stinkin' cute.

Annika and Em playing ring around the rosie

Lauren as sleeping beauty.

Lauren as Santa Claus--she said so herself.

Great pic, eh?

Stylin'--Emily's now dressing Meg, too.