Thursday, March 18, 2010

Come visit!

As we're getting settled in our new permanent home (whoo hoo!), we would love to invite you all to come visit for the day, the weekend, the get the idea!

And in case, Dan, Liz and four children living in a whirlwind of chaos wasn't enough for you to "do" while you're in Fairmont, I wanted to help you know when best to plan your trip to see us.

Fairmont and the surrounding communities have a lot planned this summer--July is especially busy--so choose an event that sounds good to you and call us so we can "schedule you in."

April 2--begins racing at our local 1/2 mile dirt track. Every Friday night until September 3.

April 17--Community Day in Ceylon--the town hosts an annual auction and sale of almost everything.

June 7--our local waterpark opens with slide, toddler pool, splash area, sandbox. If you stay for the week, your kids can take swim lessons with mine! More info and a great pic of the Aquatic Park at

June 11-13--Interlaken Heritage Days--Fairmont's local summer celebration with a lot of games for kids and adults including the tractor pedal pull, boat rides and bingo. There's "one of Minnesota's finest parades" on Saturday night and an outdoor church service Sunday morning.

June 18-20--Sherburn Festival includes a firemen's dance and sweet corn feed on Friday and a parade on Sunday with "quality entrants."

July 10--Trimont Chocolate Festival--need I say more?
July 16-18--Welcome Summer Festival: Chicken feed and street dance on Friday, city-wide garage sales on Saturday (and I'm told there are some good ones here!) as well as flea market and parade. Saturday night there's a pork chop feed and street dance, too.
July 23-25--Truman Days. If you would like to stay somewhere besides our basement, Truman also has The Whittler's Lady Bed and Breakfast which I am told is nice.

August 16-22--Martin County Fair. I think the sign outside the fairgrounds calls it "Minnesota's Other State Fair." Now that we know some honest-to-goodness farmers, I think this year will be a lot more exciting to go to a fair!

November 19--Santa flies into town this night at our local airport and he kicks off our Glows Parade, similar to Minneapolis' Holidazzle. I'm actually looking forward to this, although I can wait for the snows that November may bring.

This area also has a ton of camping opportunities (which we may try this year, despite having one in diapers-but only one!), two "challenging" golf courses, an official "flying disc" (frisbee) golf course, classic car shows, live music in the parks, a lot of lakes (and fish!)--it's just beautiful country!

If you want more info on these, you can navigate around here:

Just make sure you come and visit, ya hear? If you don't have our contact info, email me at LizPikeWheeler at gmail dot com, and I'll send it to you!