Friday, February 13, 2009

Quick Update on Our Life

As you know, the cafe closed on December 24, 2008. Since then, we (or the bank) have liquidated everything. The final auction was Saturday, Feb. 7. That brought in just under $4000 for everything. Very disappointing. Our oak and corian counter went for only $1000--originally built for $21,000 not including the display cooler. Our $7000 espresso machine (original price) went for $300. But at least it's over. I thank God every day the cafe is closed. After six years, I was ready for a different kind of adventure. I'm enjoying my break between adventures right now. We're just finalizing what debts we have left and hoping that nothing else expensive crops up.

Dan had an interview at Lutheran General Hospital here in Chicago for his chaplaincy internship this week. He'll find out next week if he has a position there for this summer. It will be full time for 10 weeks beginning June 8. He'll have one on-call a week, but that's only an 8-hour shift. Many chaplaincy programs have a 24-hour on-call shift which, in Chicago, would be extremely taxing. After he completes his chaplaincy, Dan will have completed all requirements for his master of divinity degree. He's actively seeking a position as senior pastor for this fall. Maybe that will be my next big adventure--being mom to four girls ages 6 and under and learning how to be a senior pastor's wife.

Annika is growing up more each day. I told her I was going on a trip to Atlanta and would return in "two sleeps." She said, "You mean two days?" Doesn't even do the little kid lingo anymore. She's giving more hugs these days--I think it's because I'm able to spend a little more time hanging out with them and not working on cafe stuff. She's extremely finicky about how her socks fit (prefers to go without) and what food she eats. Most days, she's a vegetarian.

Lauren is definitely going to be our drama queen. Today she told Dan that "You hurt my feelings" in a teary voice when Dan told her we were out of hot dogs. She then replied, "Ice cream would make me happy." She also loves to create her own words. She told me, in her made-up story, that the king and queen were "prickled." Prickled is freckles, she said.

Emily, our 2 year old still in 18 month clothing, will be our gymnast. She seems very athletic and loves climbing everything. Tonight at Chuck E Cheese, where we went on our family valentine's date, she was busy crawling under everyone's booth. I had to go over one booth just to catch her and drag her out. Then she tried climbing over it. Stinker. She's also our exhibitionist. At night she takes off her pajamas and her diaper and climbs into Lauren's bed and covers up--our little Botticelli. Very cute, but dangerous--we always put a diaper back on her.

Megan is starting to thin out in her face a little. Her thighs are so chubby it's hard to tell if they're thinning out. (Why doesn't anyone think chubby thighs are cute when you're say 36?) She's walking with help and can climb to a standing position now from a prone position. She's still doing the commando crawl. She's opening drawers and pulling their contents out. Soon we'll have to tape things shut so we have less to clean up.

We've been blessed. Despite Dan not working (for money anyway) and the cafe having been a drain on finances, we still haven't taken out any loans for school and so far we pay our bills each month. We also have four incredible kids who I thank God for every night. Marriage-wise, Dan and I are doing well and will celebrate 10 years on Feb. 26. Although it's sometimes hard to see the good things through the forest of despair, God is helping me to be faithful and trust.