Sunday, April 15, 2012

Untitled (because I got tired of being creative tonight)

If I had written this post last week, it would have been much more fascinating. However, I didn't and now I can't remember all the wonderful things my kids said or did. Your loss. Here's what I got for ya.

Hangin' with Grimace. 
I was with my sister Becky as we drove by this McDonald's in Eden Prairie. Having never actually seen Grimace in real life, I made her pull over and we both got our pic with him. I can only imagine what this employee thought as "having pictures taken with odd passersby" was probably not included in the job description.

Meg in Sunday School
I have only my point and shoot camera right now as I destroyed our last remaining lens for our nice one and we haven't gotten a replacement for it. So, these pics aren't great enough for the church website, but this one of Meg turned out pretty stinkin' cute.

Meg and her new bicycle
The girls each moved up a bicycle so Meg got Emily's from last year. Again, too cute.

Lauren learning to ride a two-wheeler
I knew I had this video somewhere. I downloaded video from both my little cameras and still couldn't find the file. So I began watching some of them, one by one. Most were ones Lauren had created. Let's say her documentary style of "Life on Earth" rivals that of The Blair Witch Project. I'm slightly--okay, really--motion sick right now. But some of her insights are fascinating to a parent! I didn't load them here, but I will let you see her bike riding progress on day two of learning to ride (the same bike she had earlier rendered useless via multiple holes with a thumb tack into the tires).