One of the good habits we try to maintain in our house is the nightly Bible story for Lauren and Annika. One girl chooses the the Bible story book and the other gets to choose which story we read.
Another "tradition" is my enjoyment of "writing" books which we get printed by one of the photo companies in a photo book.
Tonight as the girls and I were indulging in some chocoliciousness, I was asking the girls what kind of stories they'd like to see in the next book. Annika was excited about another Darth Bader book. She also mentioned a story about a dog that belonged to a farmer who forgot to feed his stock, and they died. But then the farmer O'Gill married Farmer Sophia and they had 7 daughters, 10 sons and of those children 13 were twins.
Lauren mentioned a few stories about pink, horses, and princesses. She also wanted two Bible stories--the "Jack and Jill went up the hill Bible stories" and "Nemo, the girl farmer who had a girl dog named Sarah" [Nemo is sung to the tune of B-I-N-G-O was his name-o, but it's sung "E-I-Veggio, Nemo was his name-o"]
I had to admit I didn't recall reading those in the Bible. She insisted they were in there. I guess my Bible degree at Northwestern isn't worth quite as much as I'd thought.
Annika had her first communion this morning. She was having a little separation anxiety so went to Big Church with me and Dan. She sat through the whole thing, asking good questions and commenting based on the sermon. Pastor Rob was talking about Peter and how he was known for "putting his foot in his mouth" to which Annika replied, "Gross!" She also asked about where heaven really is and what an agate is [a gate]. In the last few months, she really has brought up Jesus and faith often, showing a grasp of what He did for her. When I asked her if she wanted to take communion, she said yes. So we mark September 7 down as another milestone in her faith journey.
Lauren has had a tough week with lying. I guess that means Mommy has had a tough week with lying, too. The first one was about a toy. She said it had been put in the toybox. I went into the toyroom for something else and saw it lying on the floor. I asked her about it. She responded, "I didn't know you were going to check." Oh, boy.
The next one was about finishing her cereal. She said it was gone--I glanced down and saw it was not. Again, she said, "I didn't think you were going to check." Serious consequences followed the third incident regarding potato chips. Hopefully it has been nipped in the bud.
Emily, as you'll note in the pictures, is fascinated with dressing herself.She gets frustrated when she can't fit anymore jeans over her first pair of jeans and her sister's skirt. She will put on anyone's shoes, although she really has difficulty traversing in Dan's clodhoppers (they're clodhoppers when you're 19 months). But, unlike Lauren at this age, she'll keep hats on which is fun.
Megan is at the perfect baby stage. She still has no teeth, but is interactive, rolling over with a strong neck to look around, and sitting up fairly well. She's still an incredibly content baby. Dan and I have been so blessed with our four kids and each other.
See you fellow Minnesotans in four sleeps!
Today's cute quotables:
Lauren, as I put her tights on for preschool: “Ooh, those are very big socks.”
Annika, as she prayed for her breakfast: “And thank you for all the people who share. And thank you for a great mom and dad.”
Annika, later on in the day: “I love Daddy very much even though I’m not nice to him sometimes.”
Dan Larson now has a girlfriend who is not Annika. How does she feel? “That’s okay. He’s going to be really old.”
Lauren in response to Dad calling her peanut, “Daddy, don’t call me Peanut.”
“Can I call you Pumpkin?”
“No, you can call me little cute kid.”
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